Curiozitatea copilului este sursa de energie necesară procesului de învăţare eficient. (El nu trebuie să fie un simplu participant ci trebuie să contribuie activ la linia pe care o trasează în desfăşurarea învăţării. ) Copilul nu este considerat doar ca un recipient care trebuie umplut prin educație, el trebuie sa fie implicat activ în formarea și directțonarea procesului de învatare.In Neohumanist Education, stimulating extroverted activities are balanced with quiet, peaceful, sweet moments, thus training the ability to find peace and quiet within, self-regulate emotional states, and assimilate new information more efficiently.  Neohumanist Education has a strong inclusive tone and is based on a deep holistic understanding of the child that ensures the child’s overall progress across a diversity of developmental areas. It is a process-oriented curriculum rather than a results-oriented curriculum, based on cultivating inner authenticity in partnership with the guidance of a benevolent authority. In this vision, the curiosity of the child provides the “fuel” needed for an effective learning process. The child is not seen a just a mere recipient to be “filled up” by education, but rather must be actively involved in shaping and directing the learning process itself.